Thursday, February 18, 2010

Type of Action

Type of Action

"Type of Action"
Pen and Ink

"We are attempting to nullify the mistakes, but I can't afford any white-out in office - and since we're typing up action all the time. We are proud to acknowledge that we're accomplishing goals with (more black ink) the best black ink."

End the war, end world hunger, bailouts, loans, debt, health-care. Where is the results?

Where Art Thou?

Where Art Thou?

"Where ART thou? Come again and wrap your hands around me. Feel me with thou radiant jubilation and thou caress me with ye herbal scented hair. I will create ye my love an art lullaby. For it is us, a tao, are thou?

Is a concept I thought of in the mid hours before midnight and I had this idea to create a scene of an artist finding his inspiration. I wanted to play with the concept of 'Where are thou?' in a word play of Where art tao? I felt that saying thou and depicting it in the image would relay to the observer that thou is tao and ART is are. To the point where the actual message means 'Where are you?'. There is more symbolical meaning within the title and illustration. Enjoy.



It started as a daydream and then a sketch. Then later words started to influence the direction of the composition. These words Reality, Morality, Hope, and Pride. I couldn't choose either, because the meaning in this peace is multiple. The title was originally Municipal Order of Morality, but I couldn't satisfy my conscience on just one concept. I felt sign was all I could say.

Sign n. 1. Something that indicates a fact, quality, etc.; token. 2. A gesture that conveys information, etc.

Illustration for Haiti tragedy

This Winter Help Came

This was entered in the "Winter is Magic" Contest and it was nominated in Third Place.

I chose this concept to show how winter is magic. I wanted something more realistic, because it did happen. We all choose to see magic differently and in this piece the boy being helped by the light reflecting on the broken snow globe is the perspective I chose. There is a lot of symbolism, starting with the dust particles falling, even between the broken wall which you're looking through is also in a shape of a star.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

This is green.

This is my side project I've been working on. It will be a comic strip for next year that will be featured on Blogspot as a daily comic with its own blog name and site. Stay tuned for more details, pictures, and possible character designs on Endless Green Tea.

My blogspot link has changed, it goes by my blog's title Endless Green Tea, which it will still represent creativity, fun, inspiration and originality for all and myself. Its a tea party of creative flavor! I decided to make the change, because when I was coined the name Urban-Ronin by my friend Nick. It was a metaphor for who I was, but not what I would become. I have since reasoned with my life and taken change for a different course. Which is why I firmly made the change to now dedicate this blog section to my interest, inspirations, life, and entertainments. Here you will receive updates on new art projects from me and others' gallery shows, and various art media related information. I want to promote friends and colleagues also with their news and links to booster networking and expand our knowledge of creativity. Come have a taste, I assure you. The green is good.